2024 Spanishdict translate english to spanish - adjective. 1.(good) a. positivo. The treatment has had a positive effect on patients.El tratamiento ha tenido un efecto positivo en los pacientes. 2.(affirmative) a. positivo. The pregnancy test was positive.La prueba de embarazo fue positiva. 3.(optimistic) a. positivo.

 Translate English spanish. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. . Spanishdict translate english to spanish

5. (to clench) a. tensar. He stretched and tensed his muscles before working out.Estiró y tensó sus músculos antes de hacer ejercicio. b. poner en tensión. He tensed the rope and jumped. Puso la cuerda en tensión y saltó. intransitive verb. 6. (to become nervous; used with "up") a. ponerse tenso.a. el susto. (M) I got a terrible shock because they stabbed a man right in front of me. Me llevé un susto tremendo porque apuñalaron a un hombre justo delante de mí. b. la conmoción. (F) The man felt a great shock when he learned the name of his real father. El hombre sintió una gran conmoción cuando supo el nombre de su verdadero padre.2. (to occur) a. to happen. Afortunadamente no pasó nada malo. Fortunately, nothing bad happened. 3. (to go across) a. to cross. Ten cuidado al pasar la carretera.Be careful when crossing the road. 4. (to reach) a. to meet.Translate Spanish. See 4 authoritative translations of Spanish in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. Translate English-to-spanish-translation. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Recent searches: English-Spanish Dictionary. Welcome to the English-Spanish Dictionary on WordReference. The site offers two English-Spanish dictionaries: The …Get More than a Translation. Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. Access millions of accurate translations written by our team of experienced English-Spanish …a. poner. I stood my suitcase in the corner. Puse mi maleta en el rincón. b. colocar. Stand it in the center of the mantelpiece.Colócalo en el centro de la repisa de la chimenea. 17. (to pay for) a. invitar a. They stood us a drink at the bar.Nos invitaron a una bebida en el bar. noun.1. (imperative; used to address one person) a. traduce al inglés. (informal) (singular) Read the following sentences and translate to English.Lee las siguientes oraciones y traduce al inglés. b. traduzca al inglés. (formal) (singular) The instructions for my Spanish homework say "translate to English."Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. WRITTEN BY EXPERTS. Translate with Confidence. Access ...Translate millions of words and phrases for free on SpanishDictionary.com, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website.Access millions of accurate translations written by our team of experienced English-Spanish translators. Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. Translate Traductor. See 2 authoritative translations of Traductor in English with example sentences, phrases and audio …nyohn. ) feminine noun. 1. (assembly) a. meeting. El comité organizador tendrá una reunión el miércoles a las 8 pm.The organizing committee will have a meeting on Wednesday at 8 pm. b. gathering. Vamos a hacer una reunión en mi casa este domingo para toda la familia.We are going to have a gathering at my house this Sunday for the whole family.fo. -. kihst. ) adjective. 1. (with direct attention) a. concentrado. I didn't want to interrupt my son because he was very focused studying for his final exam.No quise interrumpir a mi hijo porque estaba muy concentrado estudiando para su examen final. b. centrado. intransitive verb. 3. (to acquire knowledge) a. aprender. Nobody can force you to learn; you have to want to do it yourself. Nadie puede obligarte a aprender; tienes que querer hacerlo tú mismo. 4. (to find out) a. enterarse de. magician ... Lightning bolts came shooting from the tips of the magician's fingers.De la punta de los dedos del mago, salieron disparados rayos. ... The magician ... Translate English to spanish translate. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Translate words and phrases from English to Spanish or Spanish to English with the world's largest Spanish dictionary. Learn vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and …Over 420,000 translations of current Spanish and English. Thousands of useful phrases, idioms and examples. Audio and video pronunciations. Images for hundreds of entries. …Translate any word, phrase, or sentence from English to Spanish with three options: written by experts, AI-powered, or regional. Learn Spanish vocabulary, grammar, and …trahr. ) transitive verb. 1. (to retrieve) a. to find. Al fin encontré las llaves del coche.I finally found my car keys. 2. (to uncover) a. to discover. Ellos encontraron una caja vieja en el bosque.They discovered an old box in the forest.a. dar. Just talking about it gives me goosebumps.Solo con hablar de ello me dan escalofríos. 5. (to pay) a. dar. The insurance gave me enough to cover the cost of a new tire.El seguro me dio suficiente para cubrir el costo de …intransitive verb. 1. (used to indicate movement) a. to go. Ayer Ana y yo fuimos al cine.Yesterday, Ana and I went to the movies. 2. (used to talk about directions) a. to go. Por aquí no se va a la estación.This is not the way to go to the station. 3. (used to talk about a visit or stay) a. to be.Get a quick, free translation! Type your text and click Translate to see the translation, and to get links to dictionary entries for the words in your text. 0 / 2,000. Translate. Copy. …In today’s globalized world, effective communication across different languages is essential for businesses and individuals alike. When it comes to translating languages, one of th...3. (to listen to) a. oír. I've heard what you had to say, and I still don't agree with you.He oído lo que tenías que decir, y sigo sin estar de acuerdo. b. escuchar. Hear me out before jumping to conclusions.Escúchame antes de llegar a cualquier conclusión. 4. (legal) a. ver.2. (used to express purpose) a. for (used before a gerund) Lo quiero para cocinar la pasta. I want it for cooking the pasta. b. in order to (used before an infinitive) Para ser salvavidas, tienes que saber nadar muy bien.In order to be a lifeguard, you have to know how to swim really well. c. to (used before base form)a. el hechizo. (M) My kids love to pretend they are witches and wizards and cast spells on each other.A mis hijos les encanta hacer que son brujas y magos y lanzarse hechizos. b. el encantamiento. (M) To break the spell, the princess had to kiss the frog.Para romper el encantamiento, la princesa tuvo que besar a la rana.When it comes to finding the right Spanish to English translators for your projects, it can be a daunting task. With so many options out there, it can be difficult to know which on...lahr. ) transitive verb. 1. (to give as a gift) a. to give. ¿Qué me vas a regalar?What are you going to give me? 2. (to give for free) a. to give away. La fundación generosa les regaló libros a todos las escuelas del condado.The generous foundation gave away books to all of the county schools. a. so much. Te quiero tanto. I love you so much. adjective. 2. (expressing quantity) a. so much (singular) Todavía tengo tanto trabajo para hacer.I have so much work still to do. b. so many (plural) Había tantos pasteles que nos llevamos algunos a casa.There were so many cakes that we took some home. noun. 1. (sound) a. la risa. (F) I knew it was her because she has a very distinctive laugh.Sabía que era ella porque tiene una risa muy particular. b. la carcajada. (F) (loud) His laugh could be heard in the distance.Se oían sus carcajadas a lo lejos.Translate Traductor. See 2 ... Si no hablas el idioma, puedes usar un traductor como el de SpanishDict ... English-Spanish translator · traductor de español a ... Translate millions of words and phrases for free on SpanishDict, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website. 1. (frequently) a. a menudo. I come to this store often. Vengo a esta tienda a menudo. b. frecuentemente. I know she visits him often. Sé que lo visita frecuentemente. c. con frecuencia. I often go shopping after work.Voy de compras después de …1. (awareness) a. el conocimiento. (M) I didn't have any knowledge of the situation.No tenía conocimiento de la situación. 2. (proficiency) a. los conocimientos. (M) His knowledge of German is very basic.Sus conocimientos de alemán son muy básicos. 3. (erudition)transitive verb. 1. (to imagine while asleep) a. to dream. Anoche soñé que estaba tomando café con Einstein.Last night I dreamed I was having coffee with Einstein. 2. (to shake someone up) (Spain) a. to have nightmares about. No sabrás cuándo, ni dónde, pero tendré mi venganza. ¡Me vas a soñar!You won't know when, nor where, but I'll ...In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, the need for accurate translations has never been more important. Whether it’s for business purposes, personal connections,...plural noun. 1. (current events) a. las noticias. (F) On Radio Amor they always start with the positive news.En Radio Amor siempre comienzan con las noticias positivas. 2. (journalism) a. las noticias. (F) I heard a report on the fire this morning on the 7 o'clock news. Translate English-spanish. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. Translate English to Spanish translation. See authoritative translations of English to Spanish translation in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Translate millions of words and phrases for free on SpanishDictionary.com, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website. transitive verb. 1. (to imagine while asleep) a. to dream. Anoche soñé que estaba tomando café con Einstein.Last night I dreamed I was having coffee with Einstein. 2. (to shake someone up) (Spain) a. to have nightmares about. No sabrás cuándo, ni dónde, pero tendré mi venganza. ¡Me vas a soñar!You won't know when, nor where, but I'll ...lahr. ) transitive verb. 1. (to give as a gift) a. to give. ¿Qué me vas a regalar?What are you going to give me? 2. (to give for free) a. to give away. La fundación generosa les regaló libros a todos las escuelas del condado.The generous foundation gave away books to all of the county schools. Translate millions of words and phrases for free on SpanishDictionary.com, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website. When it comes to finding the right Spanish to English translators for your projects, it can be a daunting task. With so many options out there, it can be difficult to know which on... Access millions of accurate translations written by our team of experienced English-Spanish translators. Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. Translate Traductor. See 2 authoritative translations of Traductor in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. 1. (frequently) a. a menudo. I come to this store often. Vengo a esta tienda a menudo. b. frecuentemente. I know she visits him often. Sé que lo visita frecuentemente. c. con frecuencia. I often go shopping after work.Voy de compras después de …1. (indicating space) a. por todo. They own restaurants throughout the city. Tienen restaurantes por toda la ciudad. b. en todo. His dishes are famous throughout the world.Sus platos son famosos en todo el mundo. 2. (indicating time) a. a lo largo de.Translate Spanish. See 4 authoritative translations of Spanish in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.noun. 1. (difficult task) a. el reto. (M) It was quite a challenge to climb the mountain. Supuso un gran reto escalar la montaña. b. el desafío. (M) We are facing several challenges at this stage of the project.Nos enfrentamos con varios desafíos a estas alturas del proyecto.Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.Translate Traductor. See 2 ... Si no hablas el idioma, puedes usar un traductor como el de SpanishDict ... English-Spanish translator · traductor de español a ... a. el pie. (M) My grandmother is only five feet tall.Mi abuela solo mide cinco pies. 3. (lower part of something) a. el pie. (M) The bunnies played at the foot of the hill.Los conejos jugaban al pie de la colina. 4. (furniture) a. el pie. Translate Hoy. See 2 authoritative translations of Hoy in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.noun. 2. (slumber) a. el dormir. (M) Sleeping is so hard when your mind is occupied with thoughts. Dormir es tan difícil cuando la mente está ocupada de cosas. b. el sueño. (M) Sleeping is essential when you need to get over a virus.El sueño es esencial para mejorarse después de un virus.a. dar. Just talking about it gives me goosebumps.Solo con hablar de ello me dan escalofríos. 5. (to pay) a. dar. The insurance gave me enough to cover the cost of a new tire.El seguro me dio suficiente para cubrir el costo de …feminine noun. 1. (furniture) a. table. Su nueva mesa de entrada está hecha de madera recuperada.Her new entry table is made of reclaimed wood. b. desk. Me gusta tener mi mesa en el trabajo muy organizada.I like to keep my desk at work very tidy. 2. (group in charge) a. committee.Are you looking to improve your English skills but finding it difficult to fit traditional language classes into your busy schedule? Look no further. With the rise of online educat...PONS SPANISH ⇔ ENGLISH Dictionary | 1.3M Translations. Free Spanish - English Translation in the PONS Online Dictionary. Spanish. English. The PONS Spanish - …intransitive verb. 1. (to decrease) a. to fall. La tasa de desempleo descendió del 6.5% al 5% en el último trimestre.The unemployment rate fell from 6.5% to 5% in the last quarter. b. to drop.1. (used to indicate place) a. by. Pásate por mi casa si quieres. Come by my house if you want. 2. (used to indicate cause) a. because of. Se retiró por problemas personales.She resigned because of personal issues. 3. (used to indicate a period of time) a. for.5. (used in place of another verb) a. to do. Me mandó que lavara los platos pero ya lo había hecho.He told me to wash the dishes but I had already done it. 6. (to acquire) a. to make. Hizo una nueva amiga en el colegio.He made a new friend at school. 7. (to cause) a. to make. La hizo llorar.See authoritative translations of Spanish dict in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Learn Spanish. ... SpanishDict is my favorite online dictionary. ... SpanishDictionary.com is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglés.com.b. animar. We went to support him at the competition.Fuimos a animarlo en la competencia. 2. (to hold up) a. sostener. The canopy is supported by four posts.El dosel se sostiene sobre cuatro postes. 3. (to aid financially) a. mantener. He has to support two families now.Ahora tiene que mantener a dos familias.por supuesto (85K) claro (25K) Yeah, of course not, because you're bad at your job. Si, claro que no, porque eres malo en tu trabajo. Which means, of course, that my old job is free. Lo cual significa, claro, que mi antiguo trabajo está libre. The most important dressmaker in Paris, besides Poiret, of course.b. animar. We went to support him at the competition.Fuimos a animarlo en la competencia. 2. (to hold up) a. sostener. The canopy is supported by four posts.El dosel se sostiene sobre cuatro postes. 3. (to aid financially) a. mantener. He has to support two families now.Ahora tiene que mantener a dos familias.1. (instrument) a. blunt. Una mujer resultó herida por una piedra contundente que cayó del cielo.A woman was injured by a blunt stone that fell from the sky. 2. (method) a. forceful. Matisse era famoso por sus pinceladas contundentes.Matisse was famous for his forceful brushstrokes. 3. (argument) a. convincing.1. (lawn) a. el césped. (M) He fell asleep on the grass, next to his dog. Se quedó dormido en el césped, junto a su perro. b. el pasto. (M) (Latin America) It makes me angry when the neighbors' dog poos on my grass.Me enoja que el perro de los vecinos haga caca en mi pasto.Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. ... SpanishDictionary.com is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglés.com. FEATURES. Translation Conjugation Vocabulary Learn Spanish …When it comes to finding the right Spanish to English translators for your projects, it can be a daunting task. With so many options out there, it can be difficult to know which on...Translate Spanishdict.com/translation. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. The world's most popular Spanish translation website. Over 1 million words and phrases. Free. Easy. Accurate. Translate "English" in Spanish. See authoritative translations of "English" in Spanish in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. 1. (to acquire knowledge) a. to learn. ¡Estoy usando SpanishDict para aprender español!I'm using SpanishDict to learn Spanish! intransitive verb. 2. (to acquire knowledge) a. to learn. Voy a la escuela a aprender, pero también a jugar y a ver a mis amigos.I go to school to learn, but also to play and see my friends.Translate Learn English. See 4 authoritative translations of Learn English in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.Summary. SpanishDict is a fantastic dictionary and resource, with many functionalities including translations, a thesaurus, tons of example sentences and more. …In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, the need for accurate translations has never been more important. Whether it’s for business purposes, personal connections,...2. (to occur) a. to happen. Afortunadamente no pasó nada malo. Fortunately, nothing bad happened. 3. (to go across) a. to cross. Ten cuidado al pasar la carretera.Be careful when crossing the road. 4. (to reach) a. to meet. 1. (to rest) a. dormir. My neighbor's dog was barking all night and I couldn't sleep.El perro de mi vecino estaba ladrando la noche entera y no pude dormir. 2. (to spend the night) a. dormir. His kids sleep at their grandparents' house every weekend.Sus hijos duermen en la casa de sus abuelos todos los fines de semana. For free. Translation. The world’s largest Spanish dictionary. Conjugation. Conjugations for every Spanish verb. Vocabulary. Learn vocabulary faster. Grammar. Learn every rule and exception. kuhm. ) copular verb. 1. (to come to be) a. convertirse en. He became the most influential director on the board.Se convirtió en el director más influyente de la junta. b. volverse. He became distant and didn't contact her for nearly a week.Se volvió distante y no la contactó durante casi una semana. c. hacerse.1. (profession) a. el traductor de inglés a español, la traductora de inglés a español. (F) I need an English-to-Spanish translator with availability to work on the weekends.Necesito un traductor de inglés a español con la disponibilidad de …Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. ... SpanishDictionary.com is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglés.com. FEATURES. Translation Conjugation Vocabulary Learn Spanish Grammar Word of the Day. ABOUT ...See 8 authoritative translations of What in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Learn Spanish. Translation. Conjugation. ... SpanishDictionary.com is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglés.com. 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si. ) transitive verb. 1. (to perceive) a. ver. We've seen a number of houses, but now we have to choose one.Hemos visto varias casas, pero ahora nos toca escoger una. 2. (to comprehend) a. ver. I see your point; eating ice cream before working out is not a good idea. 1. (idea) a. el plan. (M) There has been a change of plan, so we will meet at my place.Ha habido un cambio de planes, así que nos vemos en mi casa. 2. (diagram) a. el plano. (M) The architect drew up the plan of our new house.El arquitecto nos hizo el plano de la casa nueva. 3. (scheme) Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. Translate English to Spanish. See authoritative translations of English to Spanish in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. a. tener la intención de. I didn't mean to say the things that I said. I'm sorry.No tuve la intención de decir lo que dije. Lo siento. 5. (to be important) a. no direct translation. I can't imagine life without you. You mean the world to me.No me imagino vivir sin ti.See authoritative translations of € in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Learn Spanish. Translation. ... SpanishDictionary.com is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglés.com. FEATURES.See 8 authoritative translations of What in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Learn Spanish. Translation. Conjugation. ... SpanishDictionary.com is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglés.com. FEATURES.el aguacate. I ate the whole avocado, and I'm not sorry. Me comí el aguacate entero, y no me arrepiento. Leave the pit in the avocado if you don't want it to brown.Deja la semilla en la palta si no quieres que se …2. (of little importance) a. insignificant. No me involucres en un asunto tan menudo.Don't involve me in such an insignificant matter. 3. (exact) a. meticulous. Es muy menudo en su trabajo. He's very meticulous in his work. 4. (emphasis) a.When it comes to finding the right Spanish to English translators for your projects, it can be a daunting task. With so many options out there, it can be difficult to know which on...Language translation is a vital tool in today’s globalized world. It allows individuals, businesses, and organizations to connect with people from different cultures and countries.... Translate English spanish. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Translate Spanish to English translation. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Try 7 Days for Free. Translate English to spanish translator. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. si. ) transitive verb. 1. (to perceive) a. ver. We've seen a number of houses, but now we have to choose one.Hemos visto varias casas, pero ahora nos toca escoger una. 2. (to comprehend) a. ver. I see your point; eating ice cream before working out is not a good idea. auxiliary verb. 1. (used in compound tenses) a. to have. Nunca habían ido a Costa Rica antes del verano pasado.They had never been to Costa Rica before last summer. 2. (to be obligated to; used with "de") a. to have to. He de ir al trabajo el sábado. I have to go into work on Saturday. b. must.According to Insect Identification, a “child of the earth” insect is the English translation for a common Spanish name of the potato bug, “nino de la tierra.” The Archnids E-Zine r...Access millions of accurate translations written by our team of experienced English-Spanish translators. SPANISH AND ENGLISH EXAMPLE SENTENCES. Examples for ...Spanish. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites in Spanish and English with translations for every word using the world's best Spanish-English thesaurus and translator! Take advantage of our thesaurus to develop your vocabulary. 5. (used in place of another verb) a. to do. Me mandó que lavara los platos pero ya lo había hecho.He told me to wash the dishes but I had already done it. 6. (to acquire) a. to make. Hizo una nueva amiga en el colegio.He made a new friend at school. 7. (to cause) a. to make. La hizo llorar. 1. (profession) a. el traductor de inglés a español, la traductora de inglés a español. (F) I need an English-to-Spanish translator with availability to work on the weekends.Necesito un traductor de inglés a español con la disponibilidad de …Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. Translate English to Spanish. See authoritative translations of …1. (to make musical sounds with the voice) a. cantar (person, bird) He's always sung like an angel.Siempre ha cantado como un ángel. 2. (to sound) a. silbar (wind, kettle) The wind was singing softly through the trees.El viento silbaba suavemente por los árboles. b. zumbar (ears) His ears were still singing from the noise of the airplanes ...transitive verb. 1. (to utilize) a. to use. Puedes usar mi teléfono viejo si no logras encontrar el tuyo.You can use my old phone if you don't manage to find yours. 2. (to have on) a. to wear. Voy a usar mi chaqueta nueva cuando haga frío.I'm going to wear my new jacket when it gets cold.See authoritative translations of Spanish dict in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Learn Spanish. ... SpanishDict is my favorite online dictionary. ... SpanishDictionary.com is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglés.com.Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. ... SpanishDictionary.com is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglés.com. FEATURES. Translation Conjugation Vocabulary Learn Spanish Grammar Word of the Day. ABOUT ...adverb. 1. (the current day) a. hoy. I'm going to see the doctor today.Hoy voy a ver al doctor. 2. (these days) a. hoy en día. We see so many kids today who are rude.Hoy en día hay muchos niños que son groseros. noun. 3. (the current day)4. (to recognize) a. reconocer. I knew him just by hearing his voice.Lo reconocí tan solo de escuchar su voz. 5. (to be certain of) a. saber. I don't know if you should walk home so late.No sé si deberías caminar sola a tu casa a esta hora. 6. (to have memorized) a. saberse.ehr. ) transitive verb. 1. (general) a. to scrape. Tengo que hacerle el dobladillo a estos pantalones porque están rayendo el suelo.I have to hem these pants because they're scraping the floor. b. to scrape off. El pintor suele raer su paleta para quitar los colores secos.The painter usually scrapes off his palette to remove dried-out colors.transitive verb. 1. (to imagine while asleep) a. to dream. Anoche soñé que estaba tomando café con Einstein.Last night I dreamed I was having coffee with Einstein. 2. (to shake someone up) (Spain) a. to have nightmares about. No sabrás cuándo, ni dónde, pero tendré mi venganza. ¡Me vas a soñar!You won't know when, nor where, but I'll ...adverb. 1. (manner) a. cómo. How did you get here so quickly?¿Cómo llegaste tan rápido? I don't know how to do this.No sé cómo hacer esto. b. de qué manera. How did you put together the machine?¿De qué manera armaste la máquina? 2. (degree) a. cuán.Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. Translate English to Spanish. See authoritative translations of …Google is a powerhouse when it comes to technology and innovation. One of their most useful tools is the English to Spanish translation feature. With over 460 million native speake...English to Bisaya translation is a valuable skill that allows individuals to communicate effectively with the Bisaya-speaking population in the Philippines. Bisaya is one of the ma...winter coat. el abrigo de invierno. it is cold when winter begins. hace frío cuando empieza el invierno. spring, summer, fall, and winter. primavera, verano, otoño e invierno. my favorite season is winter. mi estación favorita es el invierno. winter is coming. Happy birthday, you know, I wish you the best, today and always. Felicidades, ya sabes, te deseo lo mejor, hoy y siempre. Happy birthday to both of us, sister. Felicidades a las dos, hermana. Happy birthday to the Isle of Patmos and patmosiani fathers. Feliz cumpleaños a la Isla de Patmos y padres patmosiani. Access millions of accurate translations written by our team of experienced English-Spanish translators. Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. Translate Traductor. See 2 authoritative translations of Traductor in English with example sentences, phrases and audio …1. (indicating space) a. por todo. They own restaurants throughout the city. Tienen restaurantes por toda la ciudad. b. en todo. His dishes are famous throughout the world.Sus platos son famosos en todo el mundo. 2. (indicating time) a. a lo largo de. adjective. 4. (current) a. actual. The present situation is a difficult one.La situación actual es difícil. b. presente. (formal) This compromise is all we can offer at the present time.Este compromiso es todo lo que podemos ofrecer en el momento presente. 5. (in attendance) a. presente. Google is a powerhouse when it comes to technology and innovation. One of their most useful tools is the English to Spanish translation feature. With over 460 million native speake...Translate English to english. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.Turkey has become a powerhouse in the television industry, producing high-quality dramas that captivate audiences around the world. One of the reasons for their global success is t... Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. Translate English to Spanish. See authoritative translations of English to Spanish in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. The Spanish word “juegos” is a masculine plural noun that translates into English as “games.” The singular form in Spanish is “juego.” In English, this means “game.” The word “jueg...adjective. 4. (current) a. actual. The present situation is a difficult one.La situación actual es difícil. b. presente. (formal) This compromise is all we can offer at the present time.Este compromiso es todo lo que podemos ofrecer en el momento presente. 5. (in attendance) a. presente. For free. Translation. The world’s largest Spanish dictionary. Conjugation. Conjugations for every Spanish verb. Vocabulary. Learn vocabulary faster. Grammar. Learn every rule and exception. 1. (outer part or layer) a. la superficie. (F) The surface of the lake was as smooth as glass this morning.La superficie del lago estaba tan lisa como el vidrio esta mañana. b. la cara. (F) (side) The lower surface of the prism measures nine square centimeters. La cara inferior del prisma mide nueve centímetros cuadrados.Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.intransitive verb. 1. (used to indicate movement) a. to go. Ayer Ana y yo fuimos al cine.Yesterday, Ana and I went to the movies. 2. (used to talk about directions) a. to go. Por aquí no se va a la estación.This is not the way to go to the station. 3. (used to talk about a visit or stay) a. to be.English to Bisaya translation is a valuable skill that allows individuals to communicate effectively with the Bisaya-speaking population in the Philippines. Bisaya is one of the ma... Translate "English" in Spanish. See authoritative translations of "English" in Spanish in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Summary. SpanishDict is a fantastic dictionary and resource, with many functionalities including translations, a thesaurus, tons of example sentences and more. … a. so much. Te quiero tanto. I love you so much. adjective. 2. (expressing quantity) a. so much (singular) Todavía tengo tanto trabajo para hacer.I have so much work still to do. b. so many (plural) Había tantos pasteles que nos llevamos algunos a casa.There were so many cakes that we took some home. In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, the need for accurate translations has never been more important. Whether it’s for business purposes, personal connections,...1. (awareness) a. el conocimiento. (M) I didn't have any knowledge of the situation.No tenía conocimiento de la situación. 2. (proficiency) a. los conocimientos. (M) His knowledge of German is very basic.Sus conocimientos de alemán son muy básicos. 3. (erudition)a. to open. El presidente abrió el debate con un breve discurso.The president opened the debate with a brief speech. 9. (to make eager for eating) a. to whet. Los olores de la cocina le abrieron el apetito.The smell from the kitchen whetted his appetite. intransitive verb. 10. (to set up) a. to open.1. (idea) a. el plan. (M) There has been a change of plan, so we will meet at my place.Ha habido un cambio de planes, así que nos vemos en mi casa. 2. (diagram) a. el plano. (M) The architect drew up the plan of our new house.El arquitecto nos hizo el plano de la casa nueva. 3. (scheme) Translate millions of words and phrases for free on SpanishDict, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website. Translate Translate from English into Spanish. See authoritative translations of Translate from English into Spanish in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.. Better business bureau sioux falls sd, 24 hour check cashing open near me, Pitch perfect 2 wiki, U.s. bank benefits login, Qflex_4life nude, Running boards for 2020 chevy silverado, Madden 24 west coast playbook, Threads movie wiki, Pepboys lifetime alignment price, Telecom salary, Lesser ensouled cloth, Facebook.marketplace cars, Wilbraham adult medicine, R mortal kombat leaks, Zillow miami beach fl, Reddit invincible, Cassie lee brandarmy, Carmax corolla.